Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kick-stand kick-off...ok, not quite yet

Greetings, fellow BF volunteers and precocious followers of this blog! 

What a jolly April day it was--I'm remembering it as an idyllic, breezy 78 degrees in Ouagadougou, sun shafting gently through the windows (though, perhaps je me suis trompée about the temperature) and ISO pancakes on the table--when Country Director Shannon Meehan walked into the GAD meeting at Peace Corps Burkina Faso headquarters.  She came bearing fantastic news:  our request to do the bike tour was granted!  Huzzah!  She left the proof of our good fortune on my GAD committee meeting notes--her John Hancock and a GAD stamp next to a note of authorization (I asked her to do that in my exultation...I think she thought I was weird).

Since then, I've framed and hung the minutes from that GAD meeting next to my bed...and preparation for the bike tour is in full force.      

By now, Marita has already sent out an email to all PCV's who have indicated interest in riding in the bike tour and Julie as talked with individuals about celebrations at site.  The route has been decided, distances measured.  All we need to do now is generate interest in the bike tour and the work of the GAD committee...well, that and train.

We need your help!  Whether you are PCV who will be riding, a PCV who will not be riding, friend, family, bureau staff, or Evan Johnson, you can help us raise money for GAD.  Use this blog, as well as the letters I'm sending out via email, as tools.

Happy fundraising and du courage with the training!  I'll leave you with a little Calvin and Hobbes for the road (so to speak):


  1. Great project for an even greater cause! You are all amazing. Stay safe, be well.
    Love, Mary Johnson (Evan's Mom)

  2. Can you post a map of your route?
