Last night when I posted the blog, there were, oh, about 2.3 minutes left on the battery. A couple great photos got left off because I was afraid of losing the entire thing. But now I've got electricity and all the time I want. Here are some photos from two days ago...
Welcome sign in Moore from Christy's village
Celebrating after a goal
Stuck in the mud outside Christy's CSPS
This morning when we woke up (if you can call 4:30 AM "morning") at the school, Marita sought privacy around the back of the school to change. As she came back around, her headlamp shone on a strange man. Awkward!
...turns out that the gendarme (military) had sat, unbeknownst to us, outside of our door all night to make sure we stayed safe. We've been very fortunate with the support we've encountered along the way; everyone seems eager to make sure we are comfortable, well taken-care of, and safe. Thanks, gendarme!
We biked 51.9 km today, with an average speed of 22.5 kph; and a max of 30.8 kph. We did it in between 2.5 hours (Josh and Neal) and 4 hours. It was a much shorter kilometerage :) than some of our other days, but we were all struggling a bit. It was a gravel road and there was quite a bit of wind. However, it was gorgeous and there was a HUGE barrage (dam) just outside of our site for the night. Marita, Julie, and Emma stopped to take it in...
Now, we're bien installees at Chris Wells' house, taking showers and getting ready to eat lunch. John Barbour, Krystle Austin, and Evan Johnson have joined our ranks and will be biking with us for a couple days. Evan endeared himself to us by bringing us chocolate chip cookies from Shannon (thanks, Shannon!), beef jerky, and changing into swim trunks and sunglasses (we're not going swimming).
Lunch time....a bientot!
You are all amazing! Be well, be safe, and keep the photos coming....XO
Mary Johnson (Evan's Mom)