Monday, September 8, 2014

Here we come GABOU!!!! Day three of the Bike Tour Central North!

After a day of rain, Burkina Faso likes to become a scorching oven, so Day Three was a HOT ride to Nai Oo's village, Gabou. Nai "Mohammad" Oo met the volunteers half way to his village to help the PCVs find their way. 15km to Kaya from Kotoula-Yarse, and then 18km to Gabou. The PCVs stopped in Kaya at an orphanage to stock up on French Toast (thats right) and CELL SERVICE! The ride to Gabou was mostly downhill, and after a few bike break downs, the volunteers arrived.
 Christen Maguire, Leanne Demery, Edith Suarez, Kara O'Brien, Faith Toran and Fynn Myllr can take the heat! Here we come GABOU!
Penny the 5 week old puppy was there waiting to greet us!
Edith and Nai meeting up on the route.

Nai is a small enterprise development volunteer. His community in Gabou organized a chat at the market on family planning. Following the gender and equality discussion, the volunteers went over family planning options and costs at local health care clinics and ideas about why family planning and spacing out births is important. The community members asked about opening a preschool and a clinic in their village, since the closest clinic is 8km away. 90 people from the community came to learn and meet the volunteers.

PCVs Leanne, Kara, Nai and Edith sit and have a question and answer session post family planning lessons. 
Leanne and Kara lead the discussion on gender equality in the local language Moore.

Later that night the volunteers played some games with Nai and his village friends, and ate a delicious stir fry! 
Fynn Myllyr, Penny the puppy and Edith Suarez playing cards.

Goodnight Penny and goodbye GABOU!

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